Monday, July 22, 2013

Jeff Duncan-Andrade - Growing Roses in concrete

Living one's life as half full is the first step to create a better society. If someone can stop dwelling on what they don't have and focus on what they do have, they can see that there are people in their lives that are willing to give them a better life. To do that someone have to be reminded of their dark history in order to see a brighter future.
Duncan-Andrade is an amazing speaker, his speech is an inspiration to many audience, but how can they see a brighter future? I think  these question should be considered:

  1. what is the first step to create a society in which education is the main priority?
  2.  How can society continue cultivating it's "growing roses in a garden"? 
  3. Who is also affected as a result of the lack of education?

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